“Mental Health and Covid-9” Webinaire(anglais seulement) “Mental Health and Covid-9” Webinaire(anglais seulement) An online event bringing together government, the health sector, researches, community, and lived/living experience leader from across Montreal Présentateurs Karen Allen Karen Allen has been a full-time guidance counsellor for over 20 years at Westmount High School. Tony Alfonso Tony Alfonso is the outreach coordinator at AMI Quebec. He has a masters in Youth Work and focus on getting as many people talking about mental health as possible through presentations, workshops and conversations to reduce stigma. Chrystal & Faye Assee Both Faye and Chrystal Assee work with teenagers and young adults with mental health difficulties ranging from anxiety to depression and various crisis situations. Crystal Baran Crystal is a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and Naturotherapist, specializing in stress and burnout. Erica Botner Erica is the founder of Recreotherapy, a social enterprise that provides innovative approaches to Therapeutic Recreation service delivery highlighting the impact of meaningful and purposeful […] Syeda Nayab Bukhari Syeda Nayab Bukhari earned her doctorate from the Department of Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies, Simon Fraser University, BC Tania Callender She began as a volunteer and worked as the Administrator until 2015 when she became the Executive Director of The ACDPN. Mirella Castrechini M SC, PPCC Resilience Training Program is a Seniors Action Quebec project, is sponsored by Canadian Heritage. It is a training program intended to bring new perspectives to the many challenges faced by community outreach workers, volunteer leaders, stakeholders, social workers and other roles that offer support to seniors seeking help. Kristina (Kristy) Findlay, M.Sc.O(C) Kristy Findlay is a speech-language pathologist who specializes in support for bilingual and multilingual families. She is the co-founder of the Centre Mosaïque de Québec in Quebec City. Zelda Freitas Zelda Freitas is a Social Worker with extensive experience in the delivery of psychosocial care to older adults in loss of autonomy. Argyle Institute The core mission of the Argyle is to continue to offer excellence in psychotherapy & training at affordable rates. Amanda Keller Amanda Keller is an entrepreneur, activist, researcher, former clinician and Ph.D. student. Through her advocacy work she is recognized as one of the most prominent voices in Quebec fighting for transformative change to child welfare services. She is the founder of CARE Jeunesse, a grassroots peer support organization for alumni of foster care. She has ten years of clinical experience working with youth suffering from complex difficulties such as addiction and mental health issues. She combines her personal, professional and academic knowledge to lead meaningful change. Thierry Lindor Thierry Lindor is a young entrepreneur, Canadian G20 YEA & UN Delegate; he’s won numerous awards through the success of his latest ventures, Influence ORB & Mindful, which included collaborations with Nobel peace prize laureates, Malala & Vice President Al Gore, to name a few. Jess Malz Jess Malz, Inbo’s founder, was an enterprising child who started creating business plans for fun at the age of 5. But at school, they were disengaged—and led to believe they were the problem. Tina Montreuil La Dre Tina Montreuil est professeure adjointe au département de psychologie de l'éducation et du counseling et membre associée du département de psychiatrie de l'Université McGill. Elle est également chercheuse régulière de l'Unité de recherche sur l'inadaptation psychosociale des enfants (GRIP) à McGill. En tant que membre agréé de l'Ordre des psychologues du Québec et membre accrédité de l'Association canadienne des thérapies cognitives et comportementales, elle pratique en privé avec des enfants et des familles, en se concentrant sur les approches cognitives et comportementales et la pleine conscience. Elle a publié dans plusieurs revues à comité de lecture et a été conférencière lors de plusieurs conférences internationales. En 2013, le Dr Montreuil a reçu le titre de "Champion" en santé mentale dans la catégorie "Recherche" de l'Alliance canadienne pour la maladie mentale et la santé mentale, et a été plus récemment incluse dans le top 150 des Canadiens les plus importants pour la santé mentale par CAMH Difference Makers. Les recherches actuelles du Dr Montreuil portent sur l'étude du rôle de la régulation des émotions, des attitudes et des croyances sur le développement et la transmission intergénérationnelle de la psychopathologie et sur la façon dont les symptômes des problèmes de santé mentale pourraient interférer avec l'apprentissage autorégulé dans un contexte de groupe et, en fin de compte, avec la réussite scolaire. Les médiateurs et les modérateurs de la régulation des émotions et de la résilience, tels que le rôle de la socialisation parentale des émotions sur l'utilisation des stratégies de régulation des émotions chez les enfants, sont également étudiés. En plus du programme scolaire universel de régulation des émotions appelé Healthy Minds, Healthy Schools, le groupe de recherche C.A.R.E. a développé un programme parental complémentaire appelé Parenting C.A.R.E. En plus de promouvoir la littératie en matière de santé mentale, une grande partie des activités du groupe de recherche du Dr Montreuil se concentre sur la promotion de la mise en œuvre de pratiques et de philosophies de santé mentale en milieu scolaire. Elle est actuellement membre de plusieurs groupes de travail régionaux et provinciaux dont l'objectif principal est de définir comment mettre en œuvre et promouvoir la santé mentale et le bien-être en milieu scolaire Joanne Pocock, PhD me Joanne Pocock est une sociologue spécialisée dans l’analyse des politiques, l’évaluation et les techniques de recherche multiméthodes. David Robinson David Robinson (he/him) is a community worker, and an active listening volunteer at Vent Over Tea. He has facilitated workshops on loneliness and togetherness, active listening, and hosts a monthly intergenerational conversation on death and dying using the Death Cafe model. Gustavo Turecki MD PhD Gustavo Turecki MD PhD is a clinician scientist whose work focuses on understanding brain molecular changes that occur in major depression and molecular processes that explain treatment response. Guylaine Vaillancourt Dr. Guylaine Vaillancourt is an Associate Professor in Music Therapy and Chair of the Department of Creative Arts Therapies at Concordia University Anne Usher Anne is a nurse by profession and a long time activist in community development in Notre Dame de Grace district of Montreal and beyond. She has been part of the steering committee of the Community Network Table and its Forums since 2006. Agenda Day 1 Day 2 Day 1 Welcome & opening remarks 9:30 am - 9:45 am Keynote Panel 9:45 am - 10:40 am "Colors of Covid" presentation by Thierry Lindor Joanne Pocock, PhD Gustavo Turecki MD PhD Thierry Lindor Tania Callender Presentation 10:50 am - 11:00 am Anne Usher Breakout Session - Seniors 11:00 am - 11:55 am Erica Botner Syeda Nayab Bukhari Breakout Session - Caregivers 11:00 am - 11:55 am Zelda Freitas Tony Alfonso Breakout Session - Youth 13-18 11:00 am - 11:55 am With the Canadian Mental Health Association Montreal Canadian Mental Health Association 1 Canadian Mental Health Association 2 Karen Allen Breakout Session - Young Adult 11:00 am - 11:55 am Chrystal & Faye Assee David Robinson Early Years - Families 11:00 am - 11:55 am Presentation by Anne-Marie Cech, CHSSN Tina Montreuil Anne-Marie Cech Breakout Session - Special Needs 11:00 am - 11:55 am Kristina (Kristy) Findlay, M.Sc.O(C) Guylaine Vaillancourt Closing Remarks 11:55 am - 12:00 pm Day 2 Welcome 10:00 am - 10:05 am Keynote: "Recognizing signs of burnout" 10:05 am - 10:25 am Amanda Keller Energiser 10:25 am - 10:40 am Crystal Baran Break 10:40 am - 10:45 am Breakout Rooms - Taste Test Workshop 10:45 am - 11:15 am TIP-OA Argyle Institute Jess Malz INBO Mirella Castrechini M SC, PPCC SAQ Break 11:15 am - 11:20 am Breakout Rooms - Taste Test Workshops 11:20 am - 11:50 am Argyle Institute Jess Malz Mirella Castrechini M SC, PPCC Syeda Nayab Bukhari Closing Remarks 11:50 am - 12:00 pm
Karen Allen Karen Allen has been a full-time guidance counsellor for over 20 years at Westmount High School.
Tony Alfonso Tony Alfonso is the outreach coordinator at AMI Quebec. He has a masters in Youth Work and focus on getting as many people talking about mental health as possible through presentations, workshops and conversations to reduce stigma.
Chrystal & Faye Assee Both Faye and Chrystal Assee work with teenagers and young adults with mental health difficulties ranging from anxiety to depression and various crisis situations.
Crystal Baran Crystal is a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and Naturotherapist, specializing in stress and burnout.
Erica Botner Erica is the founder of Recreotherapy, a social enterprise that provides innovative approaches to Therapeutic Recreation service delivery highlighting the impact of meaningful and purposeful […]
Syeda Nayab Bukhari Syeda Nayab Bukhari earned her doctorate from the Department of Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies, Simon Fraser University, BC
Tania Callender She began as a volunteer and worked as the Administrator until 2015 when she became the Executive Director of The ACDPN.
Mirella Castrechini M SC, PPCC Resilience Training Program is a Seniors Action Quebec project, is sponsored by Canadian Heritage. It is a training program intended to bring new perspectives to the many challenges faced by community outreach workers, volunteer leaders, stakeholders, social workers and other roles that offer support to seniors seeking help.
Kristina (Kristy) Findlay, M.Sc.O(C) Kristy Findlay is a speech-language pathologist who specializes in support for bilingual and multilingual families. She is the co-founder of the Centre Mosaïque de Québec in Quebec City.
Zelda Freitas Zelda Freitas is a Social Worker with extensive experience in the delivery of psychosocial care to older adults in loss of autonomy.
Argyle Institute The core mission of the Argyle is to continue to offer excellence in psychotherapy & training at affordable rates.
Amanda Keller Amanda Keller is an entrepreneur, activist, researcher, former clinician and Ph.D. student. Through her advocacy work she is recognized as one of the most prominent voices in Quebec fighting for transformative change to child welfare services. She is the founder of CARE Jeunesse, a grassroots peer support organization for alumni of foster care. She has ten years of clinical experience working with youth suffering from complex difficulties such as addiction and mental health issues. She combines her personal, professional and academic knowledge to lead meaningful change.
Thierry Lindor Thierry Lindor is a young entrepreneur, Canadian G20 YEA & UN Delegate; he’s won numerous awards through the success of his latest ventures, Influence ORB & Mindful, which included collaborations with Nobel peace prize laureates, Malala & Vice President Al Gore, to name a few.
Jess Malz Jess Malz, Inbo’s founder, was an enterprising child who started creating business plans for fun at the age of 5. But at school, they were disengaged—and led to believe they were the problem.
Tina Montreuil La Dre Tina Montreuil est professeure adjointe au département de psychologie de l'éducation et du counseling et membre associée du département de psychiatrie de l'Université McGill. Elle est également chercheuse régulière de l'Unité de recherche sur l'inadaptation psychosociale des enfants (GRIP) à McGill. En tant que membre agréé de l'Ordre des psychologues du Québec et membre accrédité de l'Association canadienne des thérapies cognitives et comportementales, elle pratique en privé avec des enfants et des familles, en se concentrant sur les approches cognitives et comportementales et la pleine conscience. Elle a publié dans plusieurs revues à comité de lecture et a été conférencière lors de plusieurs conférences internationales. En 2013, le Dr Montreuil a reçu le titre de "Champion" en santé mentale dans la catégorie "Recherche" de l'Alliance canadienne pour la maladie mentale et la santé mentale, et a été plus récemment incluse dans le top 150 des Canadiens les plus importants pour la santé mentale par CAMH Difference Makers. Les recherches actuelles du Dr Montreuil portent sur l'étude du rôle de la régulation des émotions, des attitudes et des croyances sur le développement et la transmission intergénérationnelle de la psychopathologie et sur la façon dont les symptômes des problèmes de santé mentale pourraient interférer avec l'apprentissage autorégulé dans un contexte de groupe et, en fin de compte, avec la réussite scolaire. Les médiateurs et les modérateurs de la régulation des émotions et de la résilience, tels que le rôle de la socialisation parentale des émotions sur l'utilisation des stratégies de régulation des émotions chez les enfants, sont également étudiés. En plus du programme scolaire universel de régulation des émotions appelé Healthy Minds, Healthy Schools, le groupe de recherche C.A.R.E. a développé un programme parental complémentaire appelé Parenting C.A.R.E. En plus de promouvoir la littératie en matière de santé mentale, une grande partie des activités du groupe de recherche du Dr Montreuil se concentre sur la promotion de la mise en œuvre de pratiques et de philosophies de santé mentale en milieu scolaire. Elle est actuellement membre de plusieurs groupes de travail régionaux et provinciaux dont l'objectif principal est de définir comment mettre en œuvre et promouvoir la santé mentale et le bien-être en milieu scolaire
Joanne Pocock, PhD me Joanne Pocock est une sociologue spécialisée dans l’analyse des politiques, l’évaluation et les techniques de recherche multiméthodes.
David Robinson David Robinson (he/him) is a community worker, and an active listening volunteer at Vent Over Tea. He has facilitated workshops on loneliness and togetherness, active listening, and hosts a monthly intergenerational conversation on death and dying using the Death Cafe model.
Gustavo Turecki MD PhD Gustavo Turecki MD PhD is a clinician scientist whose work focuses on understanding brain molecular changes that occur in major depression and molecular processes that explain treatment response.
Guylaine Vaillancourt Dr. Guylaine Vaillancourt is an Associate Professor in Music Therapy and Chair of the Department of Creative Arts Therapies at Concordia University
Anne Usher Anne is a nurse by profession and a long time activist in community development in Notre Dame de Grace district of Montreal and beyond. She has been part of the steering committee of the Community Network Table and its Forums since 2006.