Our Mission

To support the English-speaking communities in Quebec through promoting equitable access to health and social services in English and addressing social determinants of health by relationship building, knowledge sharing, empowering, and training.

Our Vision

Achieving equitable access to health and social services in English through the development of programs and partnerships to address social determinants of health and promoting the vitality of English-speaking communities of Quebec.


Identity preservation

Social inclusion




Funding Partners

  • Secrétariat à la jeunesse du Québec

  • Secrétariat aux relations avec les Québécois d’expression anglaise

  • Lucie and André Chagnon Foundation

  • Health Canada

  • Public Health Agency of Canada



Meet the team

Executive Director

Program Manager for Youth

Program Manager for Seniors

Senior Program & Policy Advisor

Program Manager for Early Childhood, Youth and Families

Greater Montreal

Project Coordinator

Administrative Assistant

Director of Programs

Project Coordinator

Executive Assistant

Director of Finance

Claude Levesque

Program Administrative Assistant

Project Coordinator

Program Administrative Assistant

Board Members

Ron Creary, President

Ann Marie Powell, Vice-President

John Haberlin, Secretary-Treasurer

Mary Ellen Beaulieu

Stella Briand Kennedy

Paula Celani

Kevin Drysdale

Kevin Erskine-Henry

Pauline Grunberg

Jennifer Hobbs Robert

Ron Swan

Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge that we live and work on the unceded, traditional territories of many Indigenous peoples. We are grateful for the privilege of being on lands that these peoples have nurtured since time immemorial.