The Partenariat d’assistance aux organismes en santé mentale (PAOSM) is an initiative built from the 2021-2023 Covid Mental Health Initiative (CMHI). It is offered to organizations with a mandate to support the English-speaking community (ESC) by enabling access to mental health services across Quebec.

PAOSM Participating Organizations

Centre of Dreams & Hopes (CDH)

Lifeline Centre

Mental Health Estrie

Our Harbour

Project 10

Head & Hands

Friends for Mental Health

Seniors Respite Montérégie

Les Maisons Transitionnelles O3 On Our Own

Black Healing Centre

Vent Over Tea

Fraser Recovery Program

Connexions Resource Centre

Tyndale St-Georges Community Centre

Community Perspective in Mental Health

AMI-Quebec Action on Mental Illness

This initiative is financed by

Secrétariat aux relations avec les Québécois d’expression anglaise