The Partenariat d’assistance aux organismes en santé mentale (PAOSM) is an initiative built from the 2021-2023 Covid Mental Health Initiative (CMHI). It is offered to organizations with a mandate to support the English-speaking community (ESC) by enabling access to mental health services across Quebec.

PAOSM Participating Organizations

Community Perspective in Mental Health

Friends for Mental Health

Tyndale St-Georges Community Centre

AMI-Quebec Action on Mental Illness

Head & Hands

Centre of Dreams & Hopes (CDH)

Connexions Resource Centre

Black Healing Centre

Seniors Respite Montérégie

Vent Over Tea

Mental Health Estrie

Our Harbour

Fraser Recovery Program

Les Maisons Transitionnelles O3 On Our Own

Lifeline Centre

Project 10

This initiative is financed by

Secrétariat aux relations avec les Québécois d’expression anglaise